The Ghent Manifesto

1 • January 2019 : Spectres of Europe: European theatre between Communitarianism and Cosmopolitanism.    The Ghent Manifesto When, in the season 2018-2019, Milo Rau assumed the role of artistic director of the NTGent, the largest ensemble theatre in the Flemish-speaking world, he decided to put down ten rules that each production has to follow at least partially. He conceives...

Créer avec Milo Rau

1 • January 2019 : Spectres of Europe: European theatre between Communitarianism and Cosmopolitanism.  Créer avec Milo Rau Entretien avec Sébastien Foucault par Nancy Delhalle   L’acteur belge Sébastien Foucault poursuit une collaboration avec Milo Rau. Nous lui avons demandé d’évoquer son travail avec le metteur en scène et son expérience des processus de recherche et de création. Nancy Delhalle :...

Tribunal is another word for Tragedy

1 • January 2019 : Spectres of Europe: European theatre between Communitarianism and Cosmopolitanism.  Tribunal is another word for Tragedy Interview with Milo Rau by Lorenzo Mango (28 Nov. 2018) Lorenzo: When you were very young your interests were oriented to political and social activism and you have been a scholar in sociology too. How and why did you decide...

Form and Politics: An Introduction to the Theatre of Milo Rau

1 • January 2019 : Spectres of Europe: European theatre between Communitarianism and Cosmopolitanism.  Form and Politics: An Introduction to the Theatre of Milo Rau Lorenzo Mango When he was in his twenties, Milo Rau left Berne, where he was born, to study in Berlin, Paris and Zurich. He focused on Sociology, and German and Romance Literature. At the same...

Essays Introduction

1 • January 2019 : Spectres of Europe: European theatre between Communitarianism and Cosmopolitanism.  Essays Introduction  Issue Editors: Agata Łuksza and Aldo Milohnić While for the last four centuries Europe has exported its political models and the consequences of clashes between its nations around the world, it is now facing the contradictions of such politics. Although respect for human rights...

The Skeleton: Edward Gordon Craig’s contribution to post-dramatic playwriting

1 • January 2019 : Spectres of Europe: European theatre between Communitarianism and Cosmopolitanism.  The Skeleton: Edward Gordon Craig’s contribution to post-dramatic playwriting Full text | Notes | Author   Full text Download in PDF The Skeleton: Edward Gordon Craig’s contribution to post-dramatic playwriting Introduction by Didier Plassard (Univ. Paul Valéry – Montpellier 3, France)   Craig in 1916 The...


1 • January 2019 : Spectres of Europe: European theatre between Communitarianism and Cosmopolitanism.  Éditorial The creation of a new journal is a challenge as great and exhilarating as that of forming a new organization, since both enterprises draw researchers together in addressing important issues of our times. These enterprise also enable us to extend the boundaries of our field...

Wilmer, S. E., Performing Statelessness in Europe

1 • January 2019 : Spectres of Europe: European theatre between Communitarianism and Cosmopolitanism.  Performing Statelessness in Europe by S.E. Wilmer Szabolcs Musca, University of Lisbon   Full text Download in PDF   Performing Statelessness in Europe by S.E. Wilmer Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, ISBN 978-3-319-69172-5 (hardcover); ISBN, 978-3-319-69173-2 (e-Book)  The photograph of a three-year-old Syrian boy, Alan Kurdi, lying...

Heinrich, Anselm, Theatre in Europe under German Occupation

1 • January 2019 : Spectres of Europe: European theatre between Communitarianism and Cosmopolitanism.  Theatre in Europe under German Occupation by Anselm Heinrich Lisa Skwirblies, Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich   Book review | Notes Full text Download in PDF Theatre in Europe under German Occupation by Anselm Heinrich. London and New York: Routledge, 2018, pp, 274, ISBN 9781138799530 (paperback); ISBN 9781138799523...

Talon-Hugon, Carole, Le Conflit des héritages. Avignon 2005

1 • January 2019 : Spectres of Europe: European theatre between Communitarianism and Cosmopolitanism.  Carole Talon-Hugon, Le Conflit des héritages. Christine Zurbach, Université d’Évora   Book review | Work cited | Notes Full text Download in PDF   Carole Talon-Hugon, Le Conflit des héritages. Avignon 2005, (Actes Sud-Papiers, Collection APPRENDRE, 2017 [2005], 96 pages) ISBN 978-2-330-0769-8   Enrichi par un Avant-propos intitulé...