Call for Contributions: Issue 9 European Journal of Theatre and Performance (article deadline: 12 September 2024) (Download in PDF) Guest Editors: Yana Meerzon, Pieter Verstraete Managing Editors: Valentina Temussi, Pieter Verstraete Editors in Chief: Luk van den Dries, Timmy De Laet In the last few decades, we have seen an increase of migration waves testing...
Author: Eastap_Manage
Call for Contributions: Issue 5
Call for Contributions: Issue 5 European Journal of Theatre and Performance (article deadline: 1 August 2022) (Download in PDF) Editors: Agata Łuksza, Luk van den Dries Managing Editors: Valentina Temussi, Pieter Verstraete Associate Editor: Timmy De Laet The European Journal of Theatre and Performance (EJTP) is pleased to announce that the Journal will be moving...
Puchner, Walter, Folk Theatre Studies Ι-II
1 • January 2019 : Spectres of Europe: European theatre between Communitarianism and Cosmopolitanism. Puchner, Walter, Folk Theatre Studies Ι-II Full text Download in PDF – Πούχνερ, Βάλτερ, Θεατρολογική Λαογραφία Α΄: Τα Δρώμενα της Ελλάδας και της Βαλκανικής. Από το μαγικοθρησκευτικό έθιμο στη λαϊκή διασκέδαση (Αθήνα: Αρμός, 2016), 482 σ. [Puchner, Walter, Folk Theatre...
Xepapadakou, Avra, Pavlos Carrer
1 • January 2019 : Spectres of Europe: European theatre between Communitarianism and Cosmopolitanism. Xepapadakou, Avra, Pavlos Carrer Download in PDF Ξεπαπαδάκου, Αύρα, Παύλος Καρρέρ, Σειρά: Βιογραφίες Ελλήνων Μουσουργών (Αθήνα: Fagotto Books, 2013), 504 σ. [Xepapadakou, Avra, Pavlos Carrer, Series: Biographies of Greek Composers, Athens: Fagotto Books, 2013), pp. 504] – ISBN: 9789606685521 (Prize...
Enlightened Catastrophism
1 • January 2019 : Spectres of Europe: European theatre between Communitarianism and Cosmopolitanism. Enlightened Catastrophism A Conversation between Milo Rau and Harald Wolff Enlightened Catastrophism A Conversation between Milo Rau and Harald Wolff On the Occasion of the 60th Anniversary Conference of the Dramaturgische Gesellschaft, 2016 Harald Wolff: Can theatre change the world?...
The Ghent Manifesto
1 • January 2019 : Spectres of Europe: European theatre between Communitarianism and Cosmopolitanism. The Ghent Manifesto When, in the season 2018-2019, Milo Rau assumed the role of artistic director of the NTGent, the largest ensemble theatre in the Flemish-speaking world, he decided to put down ten rules that each production has to follow...
Créer avec Milo Rau
1 • January 2019 : Spectres of Europe: European theatre between Communitarianism and Cosmopolitanism. Créer avec Milo Rau Entretien avec Sébastien Foucault par Nancy Delhalle L’acteur belge Sébastien Foucault poursuit une collaboration avec Milo Rau. Nous lui avons demandé d’évoquer son travail avec le metteur en scène et son expérience des processus de recherche...
Tribunal is another word for Tragedy
1 • January 2019 : Spectres of Europe: European theatre between Communitarianism and Cosmopolitanism. Tribunal is another word for Tragedy Interview with Milo Rau by Lorenzo Mango (28 Nov. 2018) Lorenzo: When you were very young your interests were oriented to political and social activism and you have been a scholar in sociology too. How...